Bfwe logo original July2006


We support & provide wide range of services

Hundreds of women entrepreneurs from rural & urban areas have been trained in various fields; they choose to develop their entrepreneurship.

Bangladesh Federation of Women Entrepreneurs (BFWE) has been planning and implementing various training programs in collaboration with TMSS funded by SME Foundation Bangladesh for the development of women entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurship. These training programs are taking place in various districts of Bangladesh.  Already hundreds of women entrepreneurs have been trained in various fields; they choose to develop their entrepreneurship.

Training on Manufacturing of Herbal Beauty Products, implemented by Foundation for Women and Child Assistance (FWCA), Rajshahi

How we can help you?


Business organizations are vital element of enterprise development. BFWE is building a network by linking women associations, enterprises, small- medium-large industrial owners. BFWA is a platform for exchanging / sharing experiences among women associations, enterprises, small-medium-large industrial women owners. We in BFWE assist new women entrepreneurs in project selecting, planning, executing through BFWE networks by sharing /exchanging experiences from the prior successful women owners. In addition we encourage exchange of technology and expertise, through information among women entrepreneurs, associations, small & medium industries.


We help in marketing products; create new marketplaces in the country or out of the country through advertisement among the BFWE members. In addition we want to help to open new sell-centers in urban & rural areas. We in the federation want to organize trade events / fairs all over Bangladesh for marking & promotion of products made by the women entrepreneurs.

Access to Capital

One of the critical elements for ensuring the growth of small enterprises is the availability of capital. There are several organizations that are very involved in providing capital to micro enterprises. BFWE facilitates women entrepreneurs in accessing to capital..


We work towards identifying obstacles facing by women entrepreneurs and helping them best to overcome it.

Capacity Building

BFWE organizes diverse training programs as required / demanded in rural & urban areas of Bangladesh for women entrepreneurs for developing their skills in various segments of business.

Access to Assets

We help women entrepreneurs to get sanctions of Lands / plots for establishing industries & business.

Who we've worked with

Let’s make awesome things, together.

Tell us about your project.
